Content Factory

We partner with small to medium B2B companies to exponentially grow their business online .

What is Cartier's Content Factory?

We are using a wining Content Creation Process that will boost the Lead Generation & Sales efficiency on the short term while investing in your company’s long term organic Growth.

1- Interview with Industry expert

Setting up Webinar or Interview with expert in your industry/ your company is the first step in our content strategy. This content is typically recoded live and edited in video and audio (podcast). This content is used by our team as a the input of our content creation activity.

2- Content Creation

We then reuse the content generated during the interview/ webinar to turn it into SEO articles, key learning posts, infographic, short video, linkedin articles & comments, ebook, whitepapers,… Those contents are targeting extremely specific and high intend keywords. 

3- Distribution

All that content generated is then distributed along multiple channels such as Social media, Website, PR, Inbound & Outbound ampaign, advertizing, Sales,… We use that content also to develop the personal reach & brand of key individual in your company.

Why a content factory for B2B business?

Investing in your employees' personal Brand

People are the foundation of any business and are in the center of any processes & activities. A successful B2B sales team is able to handle traditional in person sales activities but also to act on the digital space. Your sales persons are influencers in theirs respective industries where their personal brand help them to increase their reach, their sales conversion and generate a new direct Lead acquisition channel. Investing in their personal brand is investing in your company sucess and the growth of your sales.

Schedule a quick Call!

Do not hesitate the contact us using this contact form in order to schedule a 30 min discovery call.

During this call, we will discuss your situation, growth objective and go through the Lead Generation services that we provide.

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