
IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLY: This Service Agreement (“SA”) is a legal agreement between YOU as Customer and Derosier Consulting (under Cartier Development Trade name),  provider of the services defined bellow. By purchasing this service, YOU agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in this Service Agreement.

Description of Engagement

The project’s core focus will be to automate highly personalized business development campaigns through highly targeted data acquisition, highly personalized message copywriting, high-volume, multi-touch social media outreach campaigns (linkedin, twitter), sales workflow automation, lead-scoring, campaign monitoring/tuning.

The main success criteria is:

Growth in the Customer’s business development pipeline as measured by an increase in the number of qualified opportunities defined (customers, investors, partners,…).

To accomplish this objective, Cartier Development will:

Work with the Customer to create, prioritize, and execute strategic prospecting campaigns. Implement and tailor its automated platform to find and enrich contact and company data on behalf of the Customer and engage their best-fit customers at scale using LinkedIn automated outreach.

Actively manage campaigns on behalf of the Customer, report on performance, and improve campaigns through the combination of ongoing software integration, sales development and copywriting expertise.


Cartier Development will provide only the services requested by its customer. The services requested are defined in the automatic invoice paid by the customer. Those services are described bellow:

LinkedIn Outreach

Preliminary Campaign Planning

Establishment of lead targeting criteria based on industry, company type, role, and/or demographic data. Definition of “qualified lead” and its derivatives (MQL, SQL, or any other desired category) and how leads will flow into the Customer’s CRM (i.e. lead routing & assignment

Marketing collateral handoff from the Customer to Cartier Development

Cartier Development Technical Asset Set Up

  • LinkedIn account warming technology + process set up
  • Full set up + integration of new instance of shared inbox tool
  • Full set up of database system to store application and prospect engagement.
  • API connection with Cartier internal CRM set up for lead import and tracking.
  • Creation of access rights for Customer on Cartier’s CRM.

Lead listing

  • Creation of lead listing following the criteria defined during the preliminary campaign planning

Campaign Creation, Management, & Optimization

  • Copy editing* services for any number of 3-5 touch LinkedIn message campaigns using channel-specific best practices
  • Ongoing monitoring and maintenance of campaigns (performance, results, improvement opportunity identification)
  • Outreach capacity for 500 contacts per week (after account warm up)
  • Ongoing CRM usage training + best practices
  • Copyediting refers to editing of existing outreach messaging provided by the Customer and modified/edited using best practices from Cartier Development.

Update Meetings

  • Monthly campaign performance status/support meetings
  • Full set up of reporting dashboard for all campaigns and desired conversion metrics

LinkedIn account

Cartier Development will execute the steps above for all LinkedIn accounts provided by the customer. The number of LinkedIn accounts authorized is defined in the Invoice or quotation.

Email Automation Outreach:

Preliminary Campaign Planning

Establishment of targeting criteria based on industry, company type, role, and/or demographic data. Definition of “qualified lead” and its derivatives (MQL, SQL, or any other desired category) and how leads will flow into The Customer’ CRM (i.e. lead routing & assignment

Marketing collateral handoff from the Customer to Cartier Development

Cartier Development Technical Asset Set Up

  • 15 new branded, lookalike domains registered with all email deliverability verifications (DKIM, DMARC, and Reverse DNS) enabled
  • Email warming technology + process set up
  • Full set up + integration of new instance of shared inbox tool
  • Full set up of database system to store application, prospect engagement, and machine learning training data
  • New outreach email account registrations using new domain names, with best practices for deliverability & domain health
  • API connection with CRM set up for lead import, tracking, and integration with existing marketing workflows (if purchased by Customer).

Data Enrichment

  • 5000 monthly company enrichment capacity with full firmographic information – across 3 verticals – limited to the United States and Canada

Campaign Creation, Management, & Optimization

  • Copy editing* services for any number of 3-5 touch email campaigns using channel-specific best practices
  • Ongoing monitoring and maintenance of campaigns (performance, results, improvement opportunity identification)
  • Outreach capacity for 5000 sales contacts per month Onboarding Support
  • Unlimited onboarding sessions to familiarize the Customer’s team with the tool set and mutually agree upon target list, messaging strategy, campaign collateral, and any other details.
  • Ongoing tool usage training + best practices – Email + best practices
  • Copyediting refers to editing of existing sales messaging provided by the Customer and modified/edited using best practices from Cartier Development.

Update Meetings

  • Monthly campaign performance status/support meetings
  • Full set up of reporting dashboard for all campaigns and desired conversion metrics

Additional Outreach

If requested and Purchased by the Customer, Cartier Development will increase the number of persons outreached as specified in the invoice or quotation.

Campaign Performance & Billing:

Cartier Development proposes two type of Lead Generation invoicing model which the Customer can chose from.

Subscription model:

Cartier Development will be invoicing the customer every months a fixed subscription fee. Subscription fee is due in advance and will be invoiced automatically every months.

Performance model:

If the performance model is chosen, Cartier Development will be invoicing a fix monthly fee + a monthly performance fee. The campaign performance is directly determined by the number of leads generated by Cartier Development for the Customer. Every lead generated will be invoiced at the rate defined in the quotation (Lead Cost).

Qualified Lead:

In order to be invoiced to the customer, a lead would be considered as qualified if it fits the following criteria:

  • show an interest to the Customer products or services
  • be willing to schedule a call or meeting with the Customer
  • fully attend the meeting or call with the Customer representative



Due to the campaign Setup & Warm up process, Cartier Development is requiring a 3 months minimum contract agreement with the Customer.  Canceling this agreement before the 3 months engagement grant Cartier Development to request a 3,000$ prorated monthly fee for the remaining duration.


Subscription payments are due in advance and would be processed automatically though Cartier Development’s invoicing service provider.

Performance payments are due upon reception of the invoice by the customer.

Invoicing Fee:

A 2.9% invoicing fee will be charged on all invoices by our service provider.


LinkedIn Outreach

Cartier Development is responsible for:

  1. Implementing all of the necessary technologies to ensure optimal LinkedIn message deliverability for the Customer.
  2. Acquisition, optimization & enrichment of the lead lists for use in client campaigns
  3. Generation of high quality, highly personalized, LinkedIn outreach message copy — at scale.
  4. Creation & weekly maintenance of client dashboard
  5. Weekly monitoring of client campaigns (typically every 48hrs) Any exceptions are listed below.

The Customer is responsible for:

  1. Selecting a date for a Preliminary Campaign Planning meeting. (We will launch the campaigns approximately 3 weeks after that date.)
  2. Providing any pre-existing sales scripts, feature/benefit/value proposition tables, persona segmentation, messaging approaches, prior conversion data, and any lead lists already available.
  3. Connecting LinkedIn account(s) to Cartier Development’s automation tool.
  4. Meeting w/ Cartier Development monthly for 30-45 mins, to review campaign performance, discuss possible modifications.
  5. Scheduling the meeting or call from every leads receive from Cartier Development’s campaign. Answers would be received directly on the customer’s LinkedIn account and follow up can be easily schedule using Cartier’s CRM.

Email Outreach:

Cartier Development is responsible for:

  1. Implementing all of the necessary technologies to ensure optimal email deliverability for the Customer.
  2. Acquisition, optimization & enrichment of valid email lists for use in client campaigns
  3. Generation of high quality, highly personalized, email copy — at scale.
  4. Creation & weekly maintenance of client dashboard
  5. Weekly monitoring of client campaigns (typically every 48hrs) Any exceptions are listed below.
  6. Sending positive campaign answers (Lead) to the Customer’s representative.

The Customer is responsible for:

  1. Selecting a date for a Preliminary Campaign Planning meeting. (We will launch the campaigns approximately 3 weeks after that date.)
  2. Providing any pre-existing sales scripts, feature/benefit/value proposition tables, persona segmentation, messaging approaches, prior conversion data, and any lead lists already available.
  3. Providing CRM API access to ensure proper integration and lead tracking setup. (if applicable)
  4. Meeting w/ Cartier Development weekly or bi-weekly, for 30-45 mins, to review campaign performance, discuss possible modifications.
  5. Scheduling the meeting or call from every leads receive from Cartier Development

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