15 Best Growth Hacking Tools for B2B SaaS Marketers

In this list, you’ll find 15+ growth marketing tools that we personally use or advice to our clients. We can guarantee these tools will make your life easier, and help both your marketing, sales teams. These tools are designed to help you in every or at least at one part of the growth funnel of acquisition, activation, retention and monetization.

Before jumping in, it’s important to say that these aren’t the only tools available in the marketplace and they aren’t in order of importance. However we consider them the most important that you should know about.

1. Zapier

Zapier is a must-have for every growth team. This tool helps create powerful marketing and other automations by connecting with 1,500+ tools.

For example, you can automatically record all your Paperform respondents in your CRM account with one “zap” integration.

Marketing Automation will make your growth team much more productive and it’s definitely a growth hacking skill your team needs, that’s why we are including it in this list. 

Pricing: Freemium plan available.

2. HelloBar

Hello Bar is a tool that allows you to put a call-to-action button within a horizontal bar at the top of your site. 

You can easily track the number of clicks the header bar receives, customize it to your brand and even specify in which pages it should appear.

As of the time of this writing, you can place the CTA around one of three goals: drive traffic to a specific page, collect emails or point visitors to your social media channels.

Pricing: Freemium

3. Inspectlet

Inspectlet is a simple heat mapping tool. Inspectly gives you great data and insights into the behavior of your users through click and scrolling heatmaps, and recordings of your website visitors in action.

Just as Hotjar (mentioned below), it allows you to easily iterate your landing pages based on the information you receive. Although it doesn’t tell you exactly why things are happening the way they are, they help you form educated hypotheses around it to test.

Particularly, the difference between both Hotjar and Inspectlet is the free features that are allowed in their freemium plan.

Pricing: Freemium

4. Hotjar

Hotjar is a simple heatmapping tool, which gives you great data and insights into the behavior of your users through heatmaps and recordings of your website visitors in action.

Just as Inspectlet (mentioned above), it allows you to easily iterate your landing pages based on the information you receive. Although it doesn’t tell you exactly why things are happening the way they are, they help you form educated hypotheses around it to test.

Pricing: Freemium

5. Google Analytics

Google Analytics (GA) is the most popular analytics tool in the world, particularly for two main reasons: First it is made by Google and second, it’s free (although a paid version does exist for more in-depth data and features)

You can use GA to gather analytics, insights, conversion, and behavior flow. 

We need to admit, this tool has a steep learning curve (especially the new version GA4 coming out). 

Pricing: Free

6. Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is also a tool developed by Google, which gives the growth team’s capabilities of a developer without having to request any developer to add those tracking cookies, pixels and tags for you each time. 

Once Google Tag Manager is installed in your website or app, you can use it to, for example, install other tools in the code of your website, such as the Facebook Pixel.

You can also track user interactions and automatically forward this data to Google Analytics after they are integrated.

Pro Tip: Integrate Google Tag Manager with all of Google’s marketing platform tools.

Pricing: Free

7. Google Optimize

Google Optimize is a simple A/B-testing tool that every growth team should have under their toolbox. This will allow you to split test your traffic by redirecting them to a different variant of your website. 

After implementing this, you can easily see which variant of your website converts more people.

Pricing: Free.

8. Contently

Contently is a simple content marketing platform tool that gives you the tech, talent, and strategy you need to create branded and scaled content. 

Its pricing is really affordable and pays for the buck every dollar invested into it, since they provide much more value than hiring a content creation team.

Pricing: $499

9. Push Crew

Push Crew is an easy to install push notifications tool with no need for users to download an app.

Once installed in your website, you can send notifications to site-visitors about new offers, new blog posts or keep people informed about their order. Even if they’re not in their browser.

P.S There are many free alternatives in the marketplace.

Pricing: Request Only

10. Hunter.io

If you’re a B2B SaaS with a high ticket product, this is a must have tool for your growth team. Hunter.io is an email scraping tool. In order to work, you need to know exactly who you want to contact (position/title or name). So you go to Hunter.io, look for the company, but you’ll be able to find that person’s email address. 

Pricing: Freemium 

11. Apollo.io

Speaking of email scraping tools, Apollo.io is a sales CRM with key features that allows you to build your cold email list extremely quickly. Normally, you can do this by having an email scraping tool and integrating it through Zapier with your CRM, but Apollo gives you an all in one tool.

This is a must have tool for B2B SaaS companies who depend heavily on connecting, and social selling on LinkedIn.

Pricing: Freemium, after that $50 per user.

12. Unbounce

Every growth team must be able to build landing pages in an agile manner without bothering the development team.

We don’t have a personal favorite for this category and there are many alternatives in the marketplace, such as Leadpages, and Clickfunnels.

Pro tip: Make sure whatever software you use, and can be an easy drag and drop building experience.

Pricing: 14-day trial, $90+ after that.

13. Fiverr

One key factor of all growth tools is that they save huge amounts of time, so that’s why we are including Fiverr into our growth toolbox although it isn’t really a tool but a service.

Fiverr is an incredible resource and platform for any growth team so they can outsource chores that you can’t automate with a growth hacking tool. 

All kinds of tasks are possible and it is often very cheap. A great alternative to Fiverr is Upwork, so make sure you check both of them out.

Pricing: Depends on service outsourced

14. Canva

Every growth team requires a designer, it could be to design landing page assets such as icon or images, or even a social media ad you want to test. 

In order to keep your growth team agile and never bother your designer for small tasks, we suggest using Canva

This tool makes designing easy, quick to create, and keeps it really professional.

Pricing: Free

15. Slide-in Scroll Box

This tool allows you to insert an email capture box that appears on your website when the user is on scroll. 

We suggest this kinder and gentler option rather than those full page pop-up forms with small close buttons.

Surprisingly, Buffer talks about how they doubled their email list using this tactic, and MonsterInsights has a great tool for implementing it. 

Pricing: Free

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